
These Teenaged Twins Bring The Arts To STEM To Make It More Fun

These Teenaged Twins Bring The Arts To STEM To Make It More Fun 150 150 a

High school students Jaanak and Jaagat Prashar have launched a podcast and a nonprofit to bring the arts to science, and won numerous scientific awards.

‘Gabby’s Dollhouse’ Creator Traci Paige Johnson On How To Make It In Kids TV

‘Gabby’s Dollhouse’ Creator Traci Paige Johnson On How To Make It In Kids TV 150 150 a

Gabby’s Dollhouse is a preschool-aged series in its 8th season on Netflix. Creator Traci Paige Johnson, who also developed Blue’s Clues, shares her secrets for success.

Inclusively Raises $13 Million To Improve Workplace Accommodations

Inclusively Raises $13 Million To Improve Workplace Accommodations 150 150 a

Modern workers demand accommodations for physical and mental health. Inclusively’s AI-supported platform makes it easier for companies to meet their employees’ needs.